Before getting too far into the term, it is important to audit your rosters and make sure that any necessary Membership status changes have been processed. 

Admin leaders and Advisors have an additional section of MCR called “My Access” that allows them to manage leadership roles and members’ status changes. 

For Alpha Sigma Tau, all Membership status changes are edited in Officer Portal, which can be accessed by clicking on the orange “Go to Officer Portal” in MyAccess. 

Once in Officer Portal you will select “Members” in the left hand menu and then click “Report a Membership Change” 

If you need assistance with Membership status changes, you should contact your Headquarter Support Specialist whose contact information can be found by going to the “Officers” section on Officer Portal. 

In the collaborate section under “Shared with Me” is a folder titled “Membership Change Forms” the document Membership Status Change Procedures will assist you with Alpha Sigma Tau Membership specifications. 

This article will walk you through the process of how to change a Member Status

This article wil introduce the Membership Report

The MyAccess portal also allows you to make changes to assigned Leadership positions. Users will need to log out and log back in for their updated access privileges. 

Making changes to your leadership If you have a leadership position that has changed, this article will walk you through the steps of how to edit the Member linked to a specific position.