When creating an event you will need to turn RSVP on in the event details:
On the Mobile App you will go into Optional Settings
Once you have clicked RSVP:
- You will need to set the Total Participants for the event
- The deadline to RSVP
- The deadline cannot be any later than the date of the event.
Members have the following options when answering an RSVP:
Waitlist (if the number of participants have been met)
Points & Fines Queue will be calculated based on the type of event and the RSVP response of each Member:
It is important that leaders remind and encourage Members to RSVP to events so that their points will be calculated correctly and so leaders have an accurate count of who will be attending their events.
Click here on how to answer an RSVP question and how to process an RSVP event as a leader.