Before getting too far into the term, it is important to audit your rosters and make sure that any necessary Membership status changes have been processed. 

Admin leaders and Advisors have an additional section of MCR called “My Access” that allows them to manage leadership roles and members’ status changes. 

All Membership status changes are edited in MyAccess, but understanding each status type will help you to keep your rosters appropriately updated. 

The primary collegiate Membership Statuses are: 

  1. Active Lifetime Member: An active initiated Member within your chapter

  2. Active New Member: An active non-initiated Member within your chapter, once initiated their status should be changed to ‘Active Lifetime Member’ 

There are four alternate Membership Status Types you need to be familiar with: 

Participation Exempt Lifetime Member

Members who are participating in academic activities, such as studying abroad or student teaching or have a medical leave, that temporarily take them away from campus and off your active attendance roster. 

There are 4 types of Participation Exempt membership:

  1. Financially Suspended (see below)

  2. Study Abroad

  3. Medical Leave

  4. Other

Financially Suspended Member

There are two types of Financial Suspension: 

  1. Participation Exempt Financially Suspended: This status should be used for a Member whose intention is to come back or if you are unsure; MCR Admin leaders can move these Members back to an Active Lifetime Member status 

  2. Resigned Financially Suspended: This status is used for Members who have resigned their Membership from the chapter but still owe money to the chapter. In order to reinstate a Resigned Financially Suspended Member, you will need to contact MCR Client Relations. 

Resigned Member

When a Member resigns their Membership but remains a student at your University, their Membership status should be changed to “Resigned” 

Alumni/ae Member

A Member who leaves your chapter/university in good standing. The most common situation this is used for is when a Member graduates from your university. But this is also the Membership status that should be used for any Member who leaves your university, in good standing, even if they leave without graduating. Note: If you have a Member transfer to your chapter who was previously in MCR please reach out to MCR Client Services so that we can merge their account to your chapters. 

This article will walk you through the process of Managing your membership

This article wil introduce the Membership Report

The MyAccess portal also allows you to make changes to assigned Leadership positions and to add additional Leadership positions. Users will need to log out and log back in for their updated access privileges. 

Making changes to your leadership  If you have a leadership position that has changed, this article will walk you through the steps of how to edit the Member linked to a specific position. 

Adding a New Leadership Position: Your chapter may have updated your bylaws to create a new executive board position, in which case you will need to add this position to the list of leader roles in My Access. This article will show you how to add any new positions. Should you have an e-board structure change, please reach out to MCR Client Services and we will assist you in making those changes. 

Managing your advisors / Important References: This article will walk you through how to add an advisor/important reference and assign them to be an advisor of the chapter.