MCR Configuration allows for MCR Admin Leaders to customize settings with their chapter's MCR site.

To access these settings: MyAccess > MCR Configuration

To Edit: Click the Pencil Icon in the Upper Right Corner 

Click 'cancel' to exit editing mode and delete any changes made. Click 'update' to save any changes made. 


Chapter Settings:

  1. By checking this box you limit who non-leaders can send bulk group email messages. Admin, E-Board, and Advisors will not be limited in the groups they can select as recipients. This is especially helpful for chapters who are working to streamline communication and cut down on erroneous all-chapter mail messages.

  2. By checking this box, you have flexibility in allowing New Members to have specific roles within MCR. This can be important for smaller chapters, new chapters, and developing chapters who may have New Members who take on leadership roles during their New Member period. 

Profile & Color Settings:

  1. If a collegian hasn't saved their profile since this date, on log-in the system will force them to review/update their profile before they can go further within the MCR system. Note: MCR does a system wide profile update on August 1 each year. 
  2. This is the minimum number of classes that collegian Members must list in order to save their profile. This number can be edited to match the needs of your campus, keeping in mind that this is a minimum number so whatever the minimum classes a student must take each term is what should be used. If your chapter does not utilize this feature and it is a barrier, you can set the number to "0"

  3. These are the colors above your logo in the top left corner. 

Event Related Settings:

  1. This is the number of hours prior to an event that excuses may be submitted. If left blank, the standard best practice of 24 hours before an event will be applied.

  2. Checking this box allows individual users (New/Active Lifetime Members) to see their points they have earned for the semester.

  3. If your chapter uses a positive incentive (aka "Positive Points") this box must be checked. 

External Site Settings & Extra Profile Fields

  1. By checking this box your chapter has an external site enabled, that is public facing and can be shared with non- chapter users (ie: as a recruitment tool, for parents, alumni etc.)

  2. These are the additional profile fields for your chapter. To edit this list, you will need to contact Client Support by chatting in or emailing