When you set up an event with an RSVP the leader who created the event and any Event Admin will be able to manage the RSVP list from the Event Admin page.

To view the RSVP list navigate to 

Engage > Event Admin > Event 

You will click the event title in Event Admin 

From there you will see the list of all Members who have been invited to the event and their RSVP status. 


  • If a Member has not responded you will see a "---" next to their name. 
  • If a Member is on the waitlist you will see a number in parentheses that indicates the order they are on Waitlist.
  • The leader who created the event and Event Admin can adjust a Member's RSVP status if necessary 
    • If you are changing an RSVP status of one Member from "Yes" to "No" you can also move the first person on your Waitlist to "Yes" 
    • If you try and add a "Yes" RSVP and there is not room on the list you will see this error message. You can add additional spots and then update the RSVP status. 
    • If you have Members on the waitlist and want to open additional spots for those Members, you will need to first adjust the number of available spots in the Event detail screen and then make the changes from the waitlist. 
    • You will want to remind Members to RSVP even if their RSVP is a "No" to ensure their points are properly calculated.

Keep the following in mind regarding how points are calculated for RSVP Events: 

Points & Fines Queue will be calculated based on the type of event and the RSVP response of each Member: 

Event Type


Point/Fine Details



Points/Fines will be calculated as if the Member is required to be at the event 

RSVP No / Waitlist 

Points/Fines will be calculated as if the Member was NOT required to be at the event 

No Response

Points/Fines will be calculated as if the Member is required to be at the event 

Bonus Requested


Points/Fines will be calculated as if the Member is required to be at the event 

RSVP No / Waitlist 

Points/Fines will be calculated as if the Member was NOT requested to be at the event 

No Response

Points/Fines will be calculated as if the Member was NOT requested to be at the event 



Regardless of RSVP status, points will only be calculated for those Members who attend the event.