We have a number of new features in MCR that we want to highlight as they are improvements or additions that while not major overhauls will significantly improve the user experience! 

Member Spotlight 

You can now remove a Member Spotlight without assigning the spotlight to another Member. 

  • Navigate to Roster > Spotlighted Member 

  • Click the ‘spotlight’ star and confirm removal 

  • When you are ready to spotlight someone else, simply navigate to their profile on the roster and click the ‘spotlight’ star icon 

Surveys & Forms History Available via Roster

All surveys and forms that a Member has filled out are visible by Member on the Roster profile screen. Individuals can click on themselves and see their full history of Surveys and Forms they have filled out. Admin leaders can go to any Member and see all Surveys and Forms except for those that were submitted anonymously. This is especially helpful when you need to quickly locate a specific Members form/survey to verify information. 

Sorting Reports 

Reports can now be sorted within the view screen on MCR eliminating the need to download to Excel to sort for missing information. This allows you to sort by any column and quickly see what is missing. This is especially useful when you are adding New Members and want to see if they have set up their account; you can sort by phone number and anyone without a phone number has not set up their account. 

Edit “Who Can See Replies” in Forms & Surveys 

Sometimes after you create a Form or Survey you realize you need to add additional people to be able to see the replies (or forget to add yourself!) Form/Survey viewers can now be edited after Members have started to fill out the form or answer surveys. Note: Only assigned viewers will be able to edit this section, so if the creator forgets to add themselves they will need to have one of the assigned Members add them. 

Updated Emojis Available in MCR Mail 

Emojis have become central to our conversations and communications, with this in mind we have expanded the Emoji selection available within MCR Mail on the website editor. 

Updated MCR Mail Editor on Mobile App

The 6.4 version of the MCR Mobile App includes an improved MCR Mail experience for users within the app. When you want to compose an email you no longer will be taken to a secondary screen to type your message, you will be able to begin typing immediately within the main mail screen. 

Added additional Column in Manage Users

We have added an additional column in the manage users section to distinguish between assigned positions within MCR and additional positions within the chapter. For instance, your VP Recruitment position would be visible under Position while Intramural Chair would be visible under Other Current Chapter Positions. This is also an update in the recipient chooser throughout MCR, when you select a Member with a position their position is visible as well.