Voting for new officers during the Annual Meeting just got easier with the Alpha Sigma Tau Elections Template in MCR Surveys.
To prepare for your chapter’s Annual Meeting, follow these steps:
- Secure a list of members on probation from the Tau Honor Council Chair. Log in to MCR and navigate to Connect > Groups. Since only members in good standing are allowed to vote, create a new group by selecting the “+” sign in the upper righthand corner.
- Name the group “Members in Good Standing for Elections” and select the “Closed” group button option. Select “View Roster.”
3. Both new members and initiated members in good standing may vote. Beginning with the Active Lifetime Members group highlighted, select all members in good standing from the roster list to add them to the group. Repeat the with the Active New Members group highlighted. When all members in good standing have been added, click Create.
4. Next, navigate to Communicate > Surveys > Manage Surveys > Drafts. Select the pencil icon next to the “Alpha Sigma Tau Officer Elections Template” to edit the survey.
5. Change the name of the survey to [YOUR CHAPTER NAME] Officer Elections (ex: Zeta Zeta Officer Elections). Each elected position is listed in the survey. Based on your chapter’s slate of candidates, determine whether you will use the Single Select option or the Rank Order option for each election. The Single Select option should be used for elections with two candidates. The Rank Order option should be used for elections with three or more candidates. Delete the option you will NOT be using for each position. You may use the Single Select option for some positions and the Rank Order option for others, depending on the number of candidates for each position.
Note: For positions with only one candidate, you may delete both questions from the survey; if only one candidate is running for a position, they are declared the winner and no vote is required.
6. For each position, enter the candidate names (alphabetical order by last name) into each of the candidate slots.
If additional candidate spots are needed in the Rank Order ballot, click Add Option under Rows to add another field. Be sure to also add an additional column and enter the next consecutive number. Numbers should be equivalent to the total number of candidates (ex: if there are four candidates, you should have numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4). Move the Abstention option to the bottom of the choices in the Rows.
7. Once all positions have been updated, preview your survey by clicking the eye icon in the upper right. Review to ensure everything is correct.
8. Once all updates have been made, select Update from the menu bar on the left.
9. If you are creating the ballot in advance of your Annual Meeting time, click Save as Draft. Do NOT deploy the survey until the Annual Meeting has started.
10. If you are ready to deploy the survey, select the group you create “Members in Good Standing for Elections” in the “To” field. In the “Results viewed by” field, select only the individuals who will be responsible for counting ballots. Be sure to include the Chapter Advisory Board member who is assisting with elections. Enter the date of the Annual Meeting as the due date. Double check all the information is correct and hit Send.”
11. Results may be viewed by clicking the graph icon to the right of the survey once it’s been deployed. Newly elected officers should be announced at the Annual Meeting.
12. At the conclusion of the Annual Meeting, archive the survey.