Your website is built with a series of pages that organize the information you are sharing. Each page is listed at the top of your website in the navigation bar below the header.
Examples of pages:
- Home
- About Us
- Philanthropy
- Recruitment / How to Join
- Calendar of Events
You can also 'nest' pages within a parent page. A parent page is the main page that is visible on the navigation bar; a nested page is a subpage to the parent page and is only visible when hovering over the main page link on the navigation bar.
Examples of parent pages with nested pages below:
- Home
- About Us
- Alpha Delta Pi at State University
- Alpha Delta Pi International Sorority
- Philanthropy
- Ronald McDonald House
- Alpha Delta Pi Foundation
- Recruitment
- Formal Recruitment
- Continuous Open Bidding (COB)
- Calendar of Events
To create a page(s) you will go to: MyAccess > External Website > Pages
- To edit the settings of an existing page, click on the page title in the left hand column
- To add a new page, click the + icon at the top of the pages column
- Pages can be reordered by dragging the page titles and moving them to the order you want them to appear
- Top to bottom in the Pages list will be right to left on the navigation bar
- Page Name: This is the title of your page that will appear on the navigation bar
- Visibility: A public page is visible to anyone who visits your site; a private page is not visible to those who visit your site and is recommended for use while a page is under construction
- Private Page Icon
- Private Page Icon
- Page Type: A standard page is a typical webpage that allows you to use the website builder to create your page; a blog page allows you to write and title blog entries
- Parent Page: If you select "none" the page will appear in the navigation bar as a stand alone page; to nest the page you are editing under another page you will select that page name as the Parent page.
- Copy: Creates a duplicate of the page with all the same settings, title will have "Copy" added after the original page title name
- Delete: Deletes the page; cannot be recovered
The 'save' button allows you to save your work as you go along and the 'publish' button publishes your edits to the public facing website.