There may be times that you have to vote on many positions at one time. This could be a full chapter vote or by academic class. Either way, the MCR feature can be an asset to you and your leadership.
We suggest the following:
- Find a survey that you can duplicate so you are not starting from scratch
- Take nominations from the floor at the beginning of the chapter meeting
- Have a leader who is familiar navigate and edit the survey during announcements
- Send out the survey at the end of announcements to have the Members vote.
- View results immediately and report back the winners.
Here is how to create a survey on the fly
Go to Communicate > Surveys > Manage Surveys
Click on the duplicate icon to copy an existing survey or the + sign to create a new survey
- You are now in the survey builder.
- If you have duplicated the survey, make sure to change the information to reflect the new information.
- To create new questions, click and drag the tools on the left into the canvas
- Don't forget that you can build out pages and use skip logic to skip to a certain page
- It is always important to preview as you are creating to make sure the survey looks as you expect. (eye icon at the top right)
- Once you are happy with the result, you can click the Create button at the bottom left of the toolbox.
- Fill in the To: and Results Viewed By: fields and don't forget to include yourself if you should be viewing the results.
- If you are absolutely sure its all set, you can hit send, but we do suggest you Save as Draft, so you can test the survey yourself.
- Once back on the manage surveys screen, if you click on the survey, it will bring you up into a fully functioning preview where you have the ability to answer and confirm skip logic without it recording your answers.
- If any changes need to be made or you are ready to send, click the pencil icon to go back in and edit
- Once ready to send to the Members, click Update and Send.
- Have members vote (fill out the survey) during chapter.
- Once voting is done, you should archive the survey to stop from collecting answers
- Once archived, you can click on the graph icon to get a report
- You can verbally share the results with your Members
- Please note there are many options in here to view your results and exporting to excel will allow you to manipulate the information even more.