Leaders will show the event QR code at your virtual meeting and your members will scan the code on screen!  This can be done for checking in and checking out! 

Click here for a 2 minute tutorial!

Step by step guide:

  • Edit your event and choose Scan In from the new dropdown for Check-in Type. 
  • You can put your virtual link in the Details to create a clickable link for Members to utilize on both the website and the mobile app.

  • As with all events, The QR code is not accessible until 30 minutes prior to the event start time.
  • To initiate the virtual check-in, leaders will log into MCR on a computer and find any of the 3 small QR codes (on the dashboard, in the calendar or in the event admin screen)

  • When the leader clicks on the small QR code, a unique code for the event will pop up.  
  • This needs to be shared via screen sharing to all Members.

  • Members will use their MCR app to scan the QR code on the screen to check-in.The same QR code can be shared at the end of the meeting for check-out. 

A Few Recommendations:

  • We recommend having Members check in and check out; you will be able to see if a Member left early or came late based on their check-in/check-out 
    • If a Member arrived late and scanned the QR code at the end this would show up as a check-in and not a check-out 
    • Leaders can still manually check Members in from the app and sort the invite list by First or Last name to make finding Members by their name listed on your virtual platform easier