Creating a newsletter within MCR is as simple as opening MCR Mail and dragging and dropping the components you wish to include!

  1. To create a Newsletter you will open a new mail message and click the "Create Newsletter" button in the upper right corner which will bring you to the Newsletter creator area. 
  2. The components in the left side toolbar can be dragged and dropped into the main area to build your newsletter. 
  3. Once you have dragged your components over, you will add your text and photos within the components.
  4. You can click the preview icon in the upper right corner to preview your newsletter.

     Preview will look like this: 
  5. Click the "Create" button on the bottom of the left side tool bar; this will take your components you have created and add them to the body of an MCR Mail message. 
  6. You can type above or below the Newsletter in the body of the MCR Mail. Just like with any mail message, you will type the groups (or individuals) you want to send your message to, add a subject and then click send! 
  7. You can also save the message as a draft to come back to later. If you need to make changes to the Newsletter, simply click the "Edit Newsletter" button and make any changes necessary.