Location based self check-in achievements can be used in a variety of situations where you have the need to track Members specific time at a location/event. Some examples might include study hours at the library, logging community service hours or visiting your campus recreation center. 

You can create a self check-in achievement the same way all achievements are created in the Engage section. When creating the achievement you will need to check the "Self Check-In" box. 

To check in, your Members will need to use the MCR app and go to the achievements section to Check-In and Check-Out.

You will want to remind Members to check-in and check-out to insure you have an accurate record of their time at the location. Just like with original achievements, an admin will need to approve the achievement submission for the Member to get credit. 

If any of these achievement submissions need to be calculated or turned in to your headquarters or fraternity and sorority life office Admin can download the submissions as an excel sheet and the total time can also be totaled.