Sign-up sheets can be edited or deleted by leaders as long as no one has signed up for the sheet yet. 

If no one has signed up you will see the option to edit (pencil icon) or delete (trashcan icon) the sign up sheet in the list view of sign up sheets.

Clicking the edit icon will bring up a screen giving you the option to edit all of the details pertaining to your sign up sheet. 

If you have a sign up sheet that people have already signed up on and you need to make a change, you can delete the Member(s) who have signed up already and then edit or delete the sign up sheet. Click here for directions on how to remove Members. 

NOTE: You need to be careful when deleting someone from a sign up sheet, that change is permanent and we cannot recover data from deleted sign up sheets. You can easily download an excel sheet of the sign ups before deleting any sign ups. 

You can also archive a sign up sheet at any time by clicking on the archive icon next to the sign up sheet. 

This will preserve the information as it stands at that time