How to find Members who are part of specific groups (committees, exec board etc.) & create or edit groups on mobile app.
- To access a list of groups, choose "Rosters & Groups" from the list of available options in the hamburger menu in the upper left corner.
- You will be brought to a screen with a list of Members. Toggle to the groups list to see a list of Groups.
- Select the pencil icon to go into editing mode and create or delete your own groups.
- To make your own individual group select the plus icon that appears after you select the pencil icon.
- You will be brought to a screen to name your group, add members, and choose how to classify the group.
- Click "create" button to save group.
- To delete a group you have created, go into editing mode by selecting the pencil icon.
- Any groups you have created will have a trash can next to them, to allow you to delete any groups you no longer need.
- Note: You will only be able to delete groups that you have created.
- Any groups you have created will have a trash can next to them, to allow you to delete any groups you no longer need.