Achievements are set up as activities that do not have a specific date (campus speakers, paying dues by first date, or attending another chapter's philanthropy) it also includes milestones (getting an "A" on a test, keeping a planner, or receiving a campus award) some achievements can be earned only one time per semester (serving on executive board) and some can be earned multiple times (study hall in the library).  Members submit verification of these activities to receive points.

On the website, achievements are found on the dashboard by clicking on "upcoming events" 
or by navigating to the engage section from the menu on the left hand side.

In the engage section you will click on "achievements" and be brought to a list of currently available achievements. To submit your verification you can click on the plus sign next to the achievement. 


Alternately, you can click on the title and be brought to a page with a description 
and click on the plus sign from there.  

Give a description of what you have done and/or attach photos as necessary to verify your achievement. 

Click "Submit" when you are done.

Once you submit the achievement you will see your submission and the status of your submission. If this achievement allows multiple submissions, you will see all your submissions for this achievement on this screen. 

Achievements can also be submitted on your behalf by an E-Board or Even Admin Member. If an achievement is submitted on your behalf, you will be able to see the achievement and who submitted by clicking on the achievement.