You should add New Members to MCR on Bid Day, so that they are included in communication from the chapter and feel connected to the chapter. You can add New Members directly from whatever recruitment tool you are using** (OmegaRecruit, ChapterBuilder, ICS, CampusDirector, etc.) by pulling the information and downloading your New Members names and email address into an Excel spreadsheet. 


IMPORTANT! Only Administrators in MCR can add New Members. 


The spreadsheet you download will look something like this: 

You will need to follow these simple steps to input data for MCR: 

  1. Go to My Access > Manage Users 

    1. Click the pencil icon for editing mode 

    2. Change from viewing Lifetime Members to viewing New Members

    3. Click the “+” symbol in the upper left corner to add new Members 

    4. Make sure “New Members” is selected 

  1. Copy only the columns with first & last name and email address from your spreadsheet

  1. Copy (Command C) the cell with the information you just created 

  1. Paste (Command V) the names and emails into the window in MCR

  2. Click “Done” to Add New Members

    1. Depending on how many new members you are adding, please be patient. The system is setting up each New Member’s account and sending them their welcome email.

Congratulations! You have added all of your New Members to MCR! 


Best Practices:

  • You should take a few minutes to explain MCR to your New Members on Bid Day, and let them know that they will receive an email from MCR with instructions on setting up their account. 

    • New Members can use the QR code in the welcome email they receive to download the MCR Mobile App and then fill out their profile directly in the app 

  • Once you add your New Members  into MCR, they will automatically receive their  welcome email.

  • Have New Members bring their laptop and phone to your first New Member meeting, and make sure they have: 

    • Set Up Account and Updated Profile

    • Downloaded the MCR Mobile App 

    • Troubleshoot any issues they are having 

      • If a Member is having issues that you can’t help them solve, it is best to have them logged into their account and use the chat icon in the lower right corner to chat with a Client Services Representative so we can best locate the issue within their profile 

  • Add the “New Member” group to any events that New Members are expected to attend under the Engage section. If you don’t do this, the NM’s will not be invited to the events and the events on their calendar will have a gray dot.

  • Use MCR to schedule all of your New Member activities and get New Members into the habit of checking into events, submitting excuses etc. 

    • Lifetime Members can still see when these events are, they will just not be expected to attend and this is a good way to keep everyone on the same page about chapter activities 

**If your chapter does not have access to a recruitment tool you can either type in your New Members information directly into MCR or you can copy this Google Form and have New Members fill in their information. Then download the form data into a google sheet and follow the same steps above.