After attendance has been submitted for an event, MCR will create the potential fines queue for anyone who did not attend the event and did not send in an excuse. 

The potential fines queue can be found in the Finance section for administrators and Members with Finance access. 

  • You will click on "Potential Fines Queue" and be brought to a list of all Members who have a potential fine. 
  • To see the list of potential fines, you will need to click the down arrow under the event type at the top of the screen. 

You will be brought to a screen listing all of those event types with potential fines. Any Member with a potential fine will have a drop down arrow next to their name. (Note: If there is more than one event that fits this description, they will all be listed but may require scrolling to the left. If a Member has a potential fine for one event but not the other, there will be nothing listed for the event they attended.) 

Clicking on the down arrow will bring you to the options for the fine. Select the appropriate option. (Note: When a fine is paid, you will come back to this section and select "Charged and Received")

You will select the appropriate status for each Member in the queue. 

If you need to view or edit the email that will be sent to Members charged a fine, click on "Edit Charge Email" to view the message that will be sent. You can make any necessary edits and click "update." If you do not make any changes, you will click "cancel." 

When you have finished, click the "Update" button in the top right corner. This will send an email to the Members alerting them to the charge for the fine. 

After the Fine email gets sent, your finance team will need to go into your billing platform and fine the appropriate members. MCR does not do this automatically.

You can verify the emails sent to Members by going to your MCR mail and looking at your sent mail.