Achievements (activities that do not have a specific date associated with them, such as a campus speaker, another chapter's philanthropy event etc.) are created by Admin & E-Board Members. Members submit verification of these activities to receive points.

The chart below shows you which features are available to different access levels and which features can be given to specific Members to assist with attendance management including processing excuses. 


The achievements queue can be found in the Engage section, in the left hand side menu. 

  • Admin Members can see ALL achievements that have been submitted. Additional Members (including E-Board) can be given access to process Achievements. 
  • When you are in the Achievements Queue you can approve all submissions or individually approve/deny submissions. (You can also delete submissions if someone inadvertently submitted something and needs the submission to be deleted) 

Once you have updated the achievements under the status column you will need to click the "update" button to save your selections. 

To approve all submissions you would click the "Approve All" button to the left of the "Update" button.