• Any Personal or Closed groups that you have created you can edit or delete. 
  • You will know if it is a group you created if when you single-click on the group a thicker border surrounds the group. 
  • Double-click on the group name to open the group up. 

  • Once you are inside the group, you will see all of the Members in the group. 
  • To add additional Members or remove someone from the group, click the pencil icon to go into editing mode. 
  • The "Edit Group" screen will open and allow you to add additional Member(s) and/or delete Members who you no longer want in the group. 
  • When you are done click "update" to save your changes. 

To delete a Group, click the trash can icon.

A warning message will pop-up to confirm you want to delete the message, 

choose "Yes, delete" to delete the group or "No, cancel" if you have changed your mind.